研究開発の成果として、2023年現在、木材の揮発成分で人の良質な睡眠をサポートするHIMEKOMATSU(ヒメコマツ)、植物タンニンのみで製革する飛騨牛皮革 HIDA LEATHER®(ヒダレザー)、樹木と人との新たな関わりを知るためのFUSHI TOUR(フシツアー)を展開しています。今後も樹木に関わる事業を順次、展開していきます。
FUSHI is committed to utilizing the rich diversity of Japan's forest and local resources by researching the effects of forests and trees on people and latent local resources, and applying the results to new product development.
We are particularly interested in the chemicals trees release, which can be described as the breath of the tree, wood (timber/lumber). In the future, our goal is to add tree volatiles as a positive indicator to indoor air quality, which currently has only negative indicators. To achieve this goal, we believe it is necessary to maintain and increase forest resources rich in diversity, and we are conducting research to increase biodiversity to ensure multifunctionality by considering our own forests as biotopes. We are also conducting research with Kyushu universities and NICT (The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) on the development of sensors for trees and the efficacy of low-concentration chemicals which timbers release necessary for air quality indicators in order to solve various problems in wood distribution.
As a result of our research and development, as of 2023, we are developing HIMEKOMATSU, which uses chemicals that timbers release to support good sleep, HIDA LEATHER®, which is made from Hida beef hides using only vegetable tannin, and FUSHI TOUR, which helps people understand new relationships between trees and people. We will continue to develop tree-related businesses in the future.
Furthermore, we recognize that forest resources and other local resources are the common property of all people, and we would like to share our research results and collaborate with business partners who share the same aspirations as we do.
研究開発の成果として、2022年現在、木材の揮発成分で人の良質な睡眠をサポートするHIMEKOMATSU(ヒメコマツ)、植物タンニンのみで製革する飛騨牛皮革 HIDA LEATHERR(ヒダレザー)、樹木と人との新たな関わりを知るためのFUSHI TOUR(フシツアー)を展開しています。今後も樹木に関わる事業を順次、展開していきます。
As a result of our research and development, as of 2022, we are developing HIMEKOMATSU, which uses volatile components of wood to support good sleep, HIDA LEATHERR, which is made from Hida beef hides using only vegetable tannin, and FUSHI TOUR, which helps people understand new relationships between trees and people. We will continue to develop tree-related businesses in the future.
牧野 泰之
Yoshi-yuki Makino
樹木効能研究家、木工家、インテリアコーディネーター。2001年にマキノウッドワークスを設立し、2013年からは飛騨のナラ材を使った家具を作り続けている。2017年には飛騨牛の皮を使用した高級家具用革HIDA Leatherを開発(商標登録 第6001390)。以来、飛騨の木と革を使い、トレーサビリティにこだわった家具を製作している。2019年に阿部蔵之氏のもとで木の薬効を研究し、近年、岐阜県生活技術研究所・九州大学と共同で木材が放出する化学物質の分析を行っている。研究の結果、2020年、木を使うことによる自然な成分効能を意図した「Cure Furnishing™」を立ち上げる。 2022年、株式会社FUSHIを設立。
Makino Yoshiyuki is a researcher, furniture craftsman and interior coordinator. In 2001 he established Makino wood works and since 2013 has continued to make furniture with oak sourced in Hida. In 2019 Makino Yoshiyuki has been studying medicinal properties of trees under Abe Kurayuki , and recently in cooperation with the Gifu Prefecture Institute of Human Life Technology he has been conducting analysis of chemicals wood releases. As a result of the research, in 2020 he launched ‘Cure Furnishing™’ with the intention of increasing understanding of the natural benefits of the use of wood. In 2022 he established FUSHI Ltd.
株式会社 FUSHI / FUSHI Ltd. since 2022
〒509-3505 岐阜県高山市一之宮町クルミ谷7019-5
Kurumidani 7019-5, Ichinomiyamachi, Takayama-shi, Gifu, 509-3505, Japan
TEL : (+81)050-3708-3970