Block object 907
Block object 907
サイズ:約200 × 140× 高さ190 (mm)
重量:約 800g
保持年輪数:約 40年 ( 埃が付着したり、時間が経つと成分は出にくくなりますので、5年を目安に表面を削りなおすことをお勧めします。削り直しも承ります(1,000円+送料) )
Material : Himekomatsu (five needles pine) , Dimension:200 × 140 × t190 (mm) , Weight:about 800g , Releasing time:about 40 yrs.(We recommend re-sharpening every 5 years to maintain the release.)

脳を沈静化させ 疲れを癒すオブジェ
このブロックオブジェから揮発する低濃度の酢酸ボルニルが、 あなたの脳を沈静化させ一日の疲れを癒します。天然成分・酢酸ボルニルが揮発しやすいように多面体形状をしており、各面をカンナで仕上げることで木材からの揮発成分が出やすいように加工されています。
The object that calm the brain and lead to sleep
The low-concentration of bournyl acetate released from this block object calms your brain and soothes you after a hard day's work. The block has a polyhedral shape to facilitate the volatilization of the natural component, bornyl acetate, and each side is finished with a planer to facilitate the release of the chemicals from the wood.
リラックスして過ごされる場所の近くに置いてください。読書スペースや寝室の枕元、安楽椅子の近くが適しています。 ただし、なるべく触れないようにご注意ください。手で触れると皮脂などの汚れが付着し、成分の出口である道管が詰まり揮発しにくくなります。日常のお手入れはハンディモップなどで定期的に埃を優しく除去してください。
How does it use? How do I care for it?
Place it near the place where you spend most of your time relaxing. Near bedroom pillows, near easy chairs, and reading areas are suitable. However, please be careful not to touch it as much as possible. Touching it with hands will cause dirt such as sebum to adhere to it, clogging the ducts where the chemicals exit and making it difficult for the releasing to occur. For daily care, use a handheld mop or similar tool to gently remove dust on a regular basis.
How long will it be release?
Releasing time is thought to continue for about the age of the tree (the number of years the tree has been alive), but it is not clear how long it actually continues. This is because over time, dirt adheres to the wood, blocking the vessels and gradually decreasing the chemicals that wood releases. For this reason, it is recommended that the surface be resharpened approximately once every five years. If the surface is resharpened, the amount of chemicals that wood releases will increase again. FUSHI also offers a service of resharpening (for a fee).
睡眠への効果をもっと望まれるのであれば、ヒメコマツ材をより多く使用した家具(ベッドヘッドボード(受注生産)やデイベッド(受注生産))がおすすめです。FUSHI では、お部屋の広さに適した木材量を算出し、睡眠に適した成分濃度になるようにご提案致します。
It can also be made into a space suitable for sleeping.
If you want more effect on sleep, we recommend furniture (bed headboard (made to order) and daybed ( made to order)) that use more Himekomatsu wood. FUSHI will calculate the amount of wood appropriate for the size of the room and make suggestions to achieve the right concentration of ingredients for sleep.