【2月末発送・予約販売・数量限定】 Sleep-well scent bag (boxed 箱あり)
【2月末発送・予約販売・数量限定】 Sleep-well scent bag (boxed 箱あり)
【お買い求めいただけますが、商品は月末の発送となります 予めご了承ください】ヒメコマツの自然な香りはとても微かです。本製品は、ヒメコマツ成分の一つ酢酸ボルニルの効能を活かした商品となっております。
サイズ:370 × 240× 厚み50 (mm)
重量:約 65g
成分揮発期間:約 6ヶ月 ( 使用しないときは密封袋に入れておくと長持ちします )
発送:5営業日以内(諸事情により、お時間をいただく場合がございます 予めご了承ください)
Material : Himekomatsu (five needles pine) shavings, cotton , Dimension:370 × 240 × t50 (mm) , Weight:about 65g , Releasing time:about 6 months(Keep sealed except when not in use)

ぐっすり眠って、すっきり起きる / 睡眠を樹木の力で優しくサポート
Gently Supporting Your Sleep with the chemicals the trees release
Himekomatsu (Japanese white pine) is a species of pine tree with five needle-like leaves, also known as Goyomatsu (five-leaf pine), which is indigenous to Japan. The chemicals Himekomatsu releases, bornyl acetate, has been shown to improve sleep quality and skin quality. The shavings shaved by a canna (Japanese plane) release a moderate amount of the natural chemicals, bornyl acetate, which is highly effective in calming the brain and gently supports your sleep.
Air Quality Often Overlooked
To get a good night's sleep, many people review their bed, bedclothes and pay attention to indoor temperature and humidity. If this does not improve the situation, perhaps it is the air quality that is to blame. Various building materials are used indoors, and as the indoor temperature changes, various chemicas are released. People breathe the equivalent of 20,000 500ml plastic bottles of air every day. In weight, this amounts to 18kg. It is well worth spending time in the air that is suitable for sleep, even if only while you are sleeping.
The faint scent of Himekomatsu that does not disturb sleep
It is said that each person's sense of smell is unique and that there are variations in the concentration at which a scent is perceived. While fragrance is said to have a relaxing effect, the concentration at which it is perceived can have the opposite effect by stimulating the senses of some people. In this respect, the fragrance from Himekomatsu is slight, and the scent does not disturb sleep.
At home or on the road.
Have you ever had trouble sleeping while traveling? With this item, you can sleep in an environment similar to your home even when traveling. Since the fragrance is not strong, it will not disturb other people. You can use this item even on long flights. This is an item you will want to carry with you wherever you go.
眠る前に袋を軽く揉み、 深く呼吸して成分を身体に取り込みお休みください。枕元に置いたり吊るしておくと、さらに効果的です。使用しないときは、密封袋に入れておくと効果は長持ちします。
How to use?
Before going to sleep, rub the bag lightly and breathe deeply to absorb the chemicals into your body. It is even more effective if you place it under your pillow or hang it from your bedside table. The natural chemicals that wood release, bornyl acetate, will gently support your sleep. When not in use, the effect can be prolonged by placing it in an airtight bag.
Also as a gift
Delivered in a box, it makes a great gift. How about for those who have trouble sleeping or for your loved ones who always want you to be healthy?
How long is the effect?
Approximately 6 months, depending on the environment in which it is used. After that, borneyl acetate will continue to volatilize at low concentrations below the threshold, and some people may react to such low concentrations.
Also, the sweet fragrance is due to complex chemicals such as caramerene and farnesol, which are not easily released, so if you enjoy this fragrance, you will be able to feel it for about 10 months (different people will perceive it differently). After that, the fragrance becomes less noticeable and should be disposed of if unnecessary.
睡眠への効果をもっと望まれるのであれば、ヒメコマツ材をより多く使用した家具(ヘッドボード(受注生産)、ソファーベッド(受注生産))がおすすめです。FUSHI では、お部屋の広さに適した木材量を算出し、睡眠に適した成分濃度になるようにご提案致します。
How can you make the space more conducive to sleep?
If you want more effect on sleep, we recommend furniture ( headboard (made to order) and sofa-bed (made to order)) that use more Himekomatsu wood. FUSHI will calculate the amount of wood appropriate for the size of the room and make suggestions to achieve the right concentration of ingredients for sleep.